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Animated films are a staple of the entertainment world. We often take them for granted since most of us grew up on a steady diet of Disney. They are magical. This category of cinema is completely unique unto itself. Mutable and known to color outside the box, animation tells tales of lands on the outskirts of our imaginations with ease and credibility.

Making an animated film is anything but easy. The time and patience involved is reserved for a relative few. Back just a few short years ago, if things went off track in production it was like having to call a Fayetteville towing company on a Sunday – you paid a higher price.

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If you have a talent and want to pursue it as your life’s passion, a solid education is your best foundation. There is no arguing that whether it’s about you, or your kids, learning from those who came before is like mining for diamonds.

Workers operating overhead cranes watched the filming of the opening scenes for the new James Bond movie Spectre as they went about their work at the Metropolitan Cathedral. The atmosphere in Mexico City’s El Centro is naturally filled with a palpable electricity that could be caught on camera without artificial staging. The producers and directors knew this.

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